
Office Hours

  • Tuesday and Thursdays 12:00 -1:00 (SH 3402)

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Biology 435-635. Fundamental Neuroscience


  1. Fundamental Neuroscience, 4th Ed., Squire et al. 9780123858702


  1. Define principles of neurophysiology with emphasis on nervous system evolution, development, molecular physiology, and cellular organization leading to perception and cognition.
  2. Develop oral and written scientific communication skills including development of scientific literacy.


  1. Evolution and Basic Plan of the Human Nervous System
  2. Neural Induction and Pattern Formation
  3. Cellular Determination
  4. Neurogenesis and Migration
  5. Cellular Components of Nervous Tissue
  6. Subcellular Organization of the Nervous System
  7. Membrane Potential and Neurotransmitters
  8. Neurotransmitter Release and Receptors
  9. Complex Information Processing in Dendrites
  10. Sensory Perception
  11. Learning, Memory and Consciousness

Biology-Computer Science 464-768. Modeling and Simulation of Biological Systems


  1. An Introduction to Systems Biology, Biological Circuits., Alon. 1584886420


  1. Model important biological networks occurring in cells, including transcription networks, developmental networks, signal transduction networks, and neuronal networks.
  2. Recognize, model, and describe the functions of autoregulation, feedback and feed-forward mechanisms, and other important network motifs.
  3. Use differential equations to model biological networks.
  4. Simulate biological networks using standard simulation packages.
  5. Use model checking to understand properties of biological networks.


  1. Transcription Networks
  2. Autoregulation
  3. Feedback and Feed-Forward Loops
  4. Developmental networks
  5. Neuronal Networks
  6. Robustness
  7. Chemotaxis
  8. Kinetic Proofreading
  9. Simplicity in Biology


Biology 166-167. Principles of Biology: Cells and Genes


  1. Campbell Biology, 9th Ed., Urry et al., 0321558235


  1. Define principles of biology governing the unity and diversity of living organisms, with emphasis on molecular, subcellular, and cellular levels of organization in plants and animals.
  2. Define genetic mechnaisms of evolution and diversity.
  3. Perform laboratory experimental procedures illustrating basic concepts of cell and molecular biology.


  1. Basic chemistry
  2. Organic Chemistry
  3. Cells and organelles
  4. Cell functions
  5. Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis
  6. Mitosis and meiosis
  7. Genetic Inheritance
  8. Molecular genetics
  9. Gene expression
  10. Molecular technology
  11. Evolution
  12. Speciation


